Memes Aren't Just Memes Anymore, They Carry Value Too

I actually have a small percentage of my personal portfolio allocated to capitalize on memes. This may seem crazy but let me convince you otherwise.

"Seize the memes of production"

…is Crypto Twitter's parodical remix of Marx's "seize the means of production" quote.

What does it even mean? Let's quickly unpack.

The definition of a "meme" is somewhere in the overlap of "an idea that spreads" and "a unit of culture". It was coined by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in 1976 and there's an entire field of study — Memetics — dedicated to its study.

Memetics is pre-Internet but let's focus on Internet memes here.

Does Bad Luck Brian or "planking" ring a bell? If I say Bernie Sanders and mittens, can you conjure up an image?

Memes hold space not just in your mind but in those of millions and potentially billions of other people. And that's powerful.

Ever since I've realized their relevance in this digital age, I've tried to capitalize on memes.

One example of this is ConstitutionDAO.

A couple of months back a group of smart people, through a DAO, raised more than 40 million dollars in a matter of weeks to bid for one of the original copies of the US Constitution at a Sotheby's auction.

Even though they ultimately lost on the bid, as soon as I saw this effort and did some research on its fundamentals, it was clear to me there was a high chance this project was going to gain traction in the viral section of the Internet world.

A DAO owning the "We The People" document had some profound implications, I thought.

I made a bet on the meme and it's been a 20x return to date.

In a borderless and permissionless Internet with almost 5 billion users that you can freely transact with, don't just consume memes.

Seize them.


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