Physical Freedom Is A Luxury

Freedom comes in many forms, most notoriously that of mind and body.

  • Mind: freedom of expression

  • Body: freedom of movement (physical freedom)

In the modern world it’s certainly a luxury to enjoy either of these, let alone both of them. Humanity throughout time has made vast improvements so individuals can express their thoughts freely or have complete autonomy as to where they can go, but it’s typically the high net-worth individuals living in a first-world country that enjoy both of these.

If you don’t live in a first-world country, you’re probably censored.

If you work a typical office job, you probably don’t have physical freedom.

A visit to the Frida Kahlo museum in Mexico City opened up my eyes to the degree that physical freedom could be constrained. The realization didn't come from anything Frida related, but an interaction I had with a security guard inside the museum.

“Sorry, I can’t do that for you. I can’t leave this room.”

Said the security guard when I asked him to take a picture of me with a painting that was quite literally a few yards from where he was at. That's what made it click.

I had always taken my physical freedom for granted - and I shouldn’t have - especially with the location-free job that I am lucky to have.

Physical freedom comes in varying degrees, and complete freedom of it is rare.

  • A prisoner enjoys absolutely no physical freedom

  • An office worker is physically constrained from 9 to 5

  • And there's all that’s in between

I firmly believe complete freedom is essential to the flourishing of a human beings potential. This is because you are assured full control of yourself and your decisions. There’s no censorship or physical boundaries holding you back from doing what you want.

Physical freedom is an integral part of this. Without it you can’t even chose where you go or move for long hours in a day.

The good news is that professions now a days are becoming less and less tied to physical locations, because they can. This is going to be great for human civilization when executed at scale.


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